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When You Invest in a Generator, Learn How to Use it

A backup generator is an essential piece of equipment for your home. If you’re considering investing in a backup generator, you should go for it. A backup generator will ensure your home’s power stays on when there is a power outage due to severe storms, natural disasters, or any other cause. Learning how to use the backup generator after it is installed is crucial for emergencies.

Power Outage due to Severe Storms

Learn How to Use Your Backup Generator

When your backup generator is installed, it’s important that you talk to the company to make sure you understand all the ins and outs of the generator. Asking the installer questions is extremely important for the long run. Not all homeowners do this, and when they need the backup generator to work and it’s not, you can run into problems.

Being Prepared to Lose Power in Your Home

No homeowner wants to lose their power in their home, but it’s good to be aware that there is a possibility of it happening. When you can understand the function of the backup generator, you’ll be prepared for severe storms, natural disasters, and other power outages. You’ll be able to manage the situation with your backup generator.

The Benefits of Learning Your Generator:

  • Be Prepared in Emergencies
  • Know How to Quick Fix
  • Maintain Your Backup Generator
  • Understand Malfunctions

Why Choose to Invest in a Backup Generator?

Investing in a backup generator can be one of the most helpful things you can do when there is the possibility of power outages occurring. You’ll save money and time when a power outage occurs because you’ll be able to keep your home running if there is severe weather. In the winter, power outages can be dangerous, so investing in a generator will keep the heat on, the lights on, and your refrigerator running.

Contact GenTech Generators at 301-365-4226 today or visit us online for more information about Cummins backup generator installation for your home.

Businesses that Need Backup Generators

Backup generators are responsible for saving lives and businesses when the power goes out. When you take a closer look at all of the ways you use electricity on a daily basis, it’s easy to see that you don’t want to be without power if you can help it. For some businesses, it’s even more important than others to have a backup generator. Not having one could prove very costly.

Here are some businesses you wouldn’t think that rely on backup generators: 

Bakeries Businesses that Need Backup Generators

When it comes to places that need backup generators, establishments that deal with food and health code regulations such as restaurants usually come to mind. Unfortunately, most people don’t think about a small bakery needing that same backup.

A bakery has the same health codes that a restaurant has, and while a lot of the inventory may be shelf-stable, there are a lot of delicate ingredients such as butter, eggs, fruit, and cream that could quickly be destroyed.

Commercial Real Estate Properties

As a landlord, you can really improve your tenant’s experience, reduce your turnover rate, and create a competitive edge by having backup generators on your properties. Not having to worry about losing power goes a long way with tenants, which means you can set the rent a little higher and you probably won’t have to worry about having empty properties for very long. With more people working remotely, backup generators are a must for landlords.

Construction Sites

When it comes to construction, you may use a backup generator for power if you lose electricity, but more than likely, that generator will be the only source of power you have on new construction sites. Having one you can rely on is essential to finishing the job on time. With construction speeding up their process to meet deadlines due to the pause in construction around the country this past year, backup generators play a bigger role now.

Convenience Stores

Convenience stores are the stores that are open usually all night because they need to be. If a severe storm hits and knocks out the power of other supermarkets or other stores, a convenience store can sometimes be the last resort for many people. If it’s late at night and a person’s home is without power, it’s important for them to have somewhere to go to grab some essentials.

If you run a business that can’t afford to lose power, you need a backup generator you can trust. Contact GenTech Generators at 301-469-7800 or visit us online for more information!

Whole Home or Select Circuit: What’s the Difference?

Power OutagesIt’s never a good thing when our homes lose power. However, having a backup generator can help you keep the lights on even when everyone else on the street is in the dark. If you’re looking for one for your home, chances are you’re trying to decide whether you want to configure a whole home or select circuit generator system. Both provide backup power, but what’s the difference between the two?

Whole Home Systems

A whole home generator is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. This type of backup system includes a generator with enough electricity-generating capacity to back up the electrical service for all of the breaker panels in your house. This means that when the power goes out, the whole home system will kick on and power up everything within your home. Once it does, it will seem as through you haven’t lost power at all and you will be able to go about your day as you normally would.

Select Circuit Systems

As for a select circuit, that involves having a generator attached to only the circuits you would need most if an outage occurred. These systems work by connecting the generator to a breaker panel with a 100- or 200-amp automatic transfer switch. When the system detects a loss of power, these select breakers are then powered back up by the generator. This type of system is perfect for anyone who realizes outages are normally temporary but want to keep the essentials, such as heat, targeted lighting and kitchen appliances running during the down time.

Pricing a System

Pricing for these different backup systems varies for two different reasons. Whole home systems are priced out by the size of the home they will be serving. Larger homes with a higher power demand will require a more powerful system. Select circuit systems, on the other hand, don’t need to provide complete power, but instead targeted electricity, which means that these systems have a more adaptable price that is based on how many distinct breakers will be served by the backup system.

If you’re interested in getting a backup generator system installed for your home, GenTech Generators can help. For more information or to have a system installed, contact us at 301-469-7800 or visit us online for more information today!

Remote Work and Backup Generators

As the world continues to fight the COVID-19 Pandemic and people work from home, we wonder constantly if this will be the new normal. We don’t even have to take a look at the current pandemic situation to realize that working from home is becoming more and more common. We can point to the digital revolution as proof. Many companies around the world are slowly implementing working remotely. 

Remote work with backup generator at home

How Does this Relate to Backup Generators? 

As more workers start working from home, backup generators become a much bigger necessity in one’s home. When we rely so much on the internet and WIFI connection, homes and businesses will need backup generators if there is a power outage. 

Natural Disasters and Seasonal Storms

Natural disasters and seasonal storms happen frequently, which means your power could shut off in your home due to one of these events. If it’s during the day, and you’re working remotely, you won’t have access to power. This could cause major problems depending on the industry your in. Having a backup generator ready to kick on in the worst situation is always a relief. 

The Benefits of Having a Backup Generator for a Power Outage: 

  • You won’t lose connection to your work
  • You can work longer hours if need be 
  • Spend less money on travel because you can work from home
  • Keep refrigerator and other amenities running 

GenTech Generators 

At GenTech Generatorswe know the importance of having a home backup generator. Our backup generators can give you the relief you need in a situation where your power goes out. Don’t worry about losing connection to the internet, having food go bad, having your lights go out, floods in the basement, and not being able to do laundry. 

Now is the time to invest in a backup generator! Contact GenTech Generators at 301-364-4226 today. 

GenTech Generators