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Why Are People Buying Backup Generators?

All over the country, more and more people are purchasing backup generators for their homes to prepare for possibly severe storms depending on the season. We see in California that the wildfire intensity is on the rise each wildfire season, and more people are experiencing power outages or worse losing their homes.

Other places down south and near the east coast, people are making sure that they will have power during possible tropical storms and sever hurricanes during hurricane season.

Hurricane Natural Disaster

California Wildfires

Backup generators are in high demand in California due to the increase in intense wildfires. Blackouts are occurring in the state for safety reasons, and people are looking to purchase backup generators in case the blackout lasts too long. The reason for cutting off power to a large portion of the state is to keep power lines from contributing to the spread of wildfires in the state.

Storm Shelters Upgrading in the South

Lee County in Florida is taking initiative in upgrading their storm shelters in preparation for hurricane season. They’re putting in backup generators at the storm shelters including schools and arenas. When hurricane season hits, many people leave their homes to hunker down in these shelters to stay safe during the storm. They rely on these places for shelter and food, which is why the government is installing backup generators in these places because of the result of a horrible Hurricane Irma in 2017.

Do I need a Backup Generator?

This is a very good question to ask yourself. If you’re living in an area where power outages are frequent due to tropical storms, wildfires, or other natural disasters, it’s a smart decision to purchase a backup generator. Even if you don’t live in an area where these events take place, you never know when a power outage may occur leaving you without electricity for an extended amount of time.

Purchasing a backup generator from GenTech Generators is the safe way to go. we supply Cummins Power Generators to homeowners. Contact us at 301-364-4226 today!

Florida Nursing Homes and the Backup Generator Requirement

Florida mandated all long-term care providers to have backup generators in their facilities or else they will be faced with losing their license. As of 2019, there are still less than half of the nursing homes that have not obtained state and local approvals for the mandate. The mandate requires nursing homes and assisted living facilities to keep residents cool for 96 hours during a state of emergency.

Nursing homes need backup generators

Hurricane Seasons

Florida is a state where hurricanes affect it every single year. If nursing homes and assisted living homes don’t have the approval for this mandate, the residents and patients will suffer from it. Not only can these places lose their licenses, but elderly can suffer from death and medical issues.

There was an incident back in 2017 at Broward Country nursing home after Hurricane Irma where residents died. This is where the initiative started for this state mandate requirement. The hurricane did damage to the air-conditioned system, which left residents in uncomfortable heat for three days. 12 residents died in the event.

Backup Generators Save Lives

Many industry representatives have had problems meeting deadlines because of high costs, but the state is pushing to make sure this gets done. The important thing to know is that backup generators save lives. We know that hurricanes happen every single year, especially down in the southern part of the United States, so it’s important that nursing homes and assisted living homes get approvals for the mandate to have backup generators.

GenTech Generators

Here at GenTech Generators, we know the importance of having a backup generator at your home. In case of an emergency, you don’t have to worry anymore about losing power, heat, or air-conditioning. Contact GenTech Generators at 301-364-4226 for more information on backup generator installation and maintenance.

The Backup Generator Boom in California

The wildfires happening in California have been devastating to families and their homes. The wildfires have been a major concern for residents, especially with the warm weather and the wind coming off the ocean. Backup generators weren’t a he necessity to California residents until now when the state utility Pacific Gas & Electric decided it would be conducting rolling blackouts for the next several years.

Backup generator outside home

The Reason for Rolling Blackouts

Rolling blackouts are temporary power outages that are happening in California due to the wildfires and overheating. In California, transformers and other electrical equipment has overheated and some caught fire due to the excessive heat.

A Need for Generators

If residents will be experiencing rolling blackouts now due to precautionary measures, the demand for backup generators will be increased. Backup generators come with great benefits, especially if the rolling blackouts last for some time. Older residents and younger residents with families will need power for their home. If people have babies, they’ll need food and other necessities during a blackout. It’s beneficial for the elderly residents to have a backup generator during these blackouts to prevent injuries in the house.

Even if you’re not in the California area experiencing the wildfires or rolling blackouts, a backup generator can help you tremendously during any storm power outage.

GenTech Generators supplies Cummins Generators to residents in the New Market, Maryland area since 1995. We have the experience and expertise to help you with your new backup generator.

GenTech Generators

At GenTech Generators, we offer fully automatic backup generators for your convenience. We offer generators large enough to back up the entire house, and we also have smaller ones to generate power for select circuits. Don’t wait for the storm to cause an annoying problem for you to deal with. Be proactive now, and you won’t have to worry about extra damage or costs if you don’t have one.

Contact GenTech Generators at 301-364-4226 today to find out more information on our backup generator systems, and how we can help you get the right one you need for your home.

Push for Backup Generator Laws in Nursing Homes Continue

The importance of having backup generators in nursing homes and assisted living facilities has become paramount following the devastation of Hurricane Irma this summer. Push for Backup Generator in Nursing Homes Continue

The category-4 hurricane tore through Florida’s gulf coast this past August, leaving several facilities without power and several residents defenseless against Florida’s summer heat. For one facility in particular, the Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills in California, the extreme conditions cost the lives of 14 of their residents, who succumbed to symptoms caused by heat exposure. State regulators have since shut the facility down, and the deaths of 12 residents were deemed homicides, though no charges have been filed against any one individual as of this post.

This senseless tragedy could have been averted if the facility had invested in a backup generator, which would have allowed for the building’s air conditioning system to remain functional.

Following the tragedy at Hollywood Hills, Florida state lawmakers took swift legal measures to ensure that it would become the exception, not the rule. On Sept. 16, Florida Governor Rick Scott issued an emergency rule requiring nursing homes and assisted living facilities to install backup generators with 96 hours-worth of fuel within 90 days. The Florida Department of Veteran’s Affairs acted quickly and, in early October, were approved for $3 million in funding to install generators and make all veteran’s nursing homes compliant with the rule.

In November, Florida State Senator Gary Farmer, D-Lighthouse Point, filed State Senate Bill 896, which would make Gov. Scott’s rule state law and impose other measures to impose more oversight on nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Though some detractors of Sen. Farmer’s bill argue the measure is too large a financial burden to impose on these facilities, it begs the question: isn’t it costlier to put lives at risk?

If you want to learn more about how GenTech Backup Generator Systems can help you protect your customers and theirs, give us a call or contact us online today!

GenTech Generators